Others on The Journey: Enneagram 9s and Change

Suzanne often says, she knows the enneagram really well (yup!), but nobody can talk about an enneagram number as well as that number can. And, a main goal and mission of Life in the Trinity Ministry is to grow community. We are excited that Others on The Journey will be an example of both!

What Other Enneagram NINEs on The Journey are saying:

I don't know what I think and feel about change. Give me a few days to get back to you or I could ask my husband or my best friend, bet they would know.


I am a 9 on the Enneagram and I appreciate so much the journey of comfort\discomfort with change. At times I feel like a walking oxymoron. I can merge so well and even effortlessly make other individuals feel like I am completely in support of a request for change. I often fool myself into thinking that I am in support of the same change for a short period, but then I have a very inate or unconscious resistance to that change about 10 minutes later or whenever I am supposed to enact the change. Sometimes it's noticable to others and sometimes it's completely silent and internalized. Most of the time it's a storm inside me that I don't weather well alone. So I've learned that relationally (my wife mostly), I have to be very intentional about recognizing that I am merging (I call it gel-ing) and name it somehow with her. I have to ask questions to clarify what is being asked of me and I have to make a conscious effort to agree with her or disagree with her and start a negotiating process with thoughtful and kind language. Professionally, I have learned a skill that has helped me immensely to resist the urge to merge. I usually say something along the lines "does this have to be decided now?" If I have any influence in the change this gives me time to think about my position and return to the conversation with an individualized perspective that I can hold onto (hopefully) long enough to negotiate some sort of compromise or unique perspective. I haven't quite figured out how to not respond with resentment around change that I don't have control over professionally, so I'll make sure pay attention to perspectives brought up in this podcast . Thanks for all the wisdom in these responses!


As a 9, I like to think of myself as someone who doesn’t resist change and actually kind of likes and welcomes it. I can adapt to anything! And it could be fun and exciting! But in reality, I don’t like change because it often requires me to learn or DO something I don’t want to DO! And all the excitement of doing something a different way fades, and I just want to go back to how things have always been.


I absolutely THRIVE in change when I am in a healthy place and have attributes of a 3. If I am overwhelmed or stressed, change can be an additonal burden. The way I respond to change has less to do with the circumstances, and much more to do with the inner workings of my inner 9 self!


Good Afternoon Mrs. Stabile. Thank you for asking how I handle change. I’m the only African American woman in my company. I feel this information is important, because I have been the only black person In a room since I was a little girl growing up in a military family. I know change! Not only am I the only woman of color in my company of over 300 people. I’m the only woman working in a building of 50 men.I’m going to close with I have been with my company for almost 9 years and have been the personal assistant to 5 or 6 bosses in that time period as well. They were let go, I remained.Yes, I know I’m a 9 and my 8 wing is always running the show at work.My present boss has helped me show up and impact change and direction in the movement in our company by demanding I sit at the table of decision making and brainstorming, and patiently waiting to hear from me before the close of meetings, and when I have had the courage to stand company policies have been changed, my voice has been the advocate of the many men I advocate for at our location. Myself and my 17 year old attended your workshop in Austin. It was life changing for our relationship. I heard you and your son speak about cultural diversity of information and exploring how the enneagram allows others to see through different lens in a podcast. Here I am! Thanks for listening!


Putting together this podcast, I must have heard 100 times in my head Ross (Friends reference here!) say to Rachel, "Nobody like change!" Season 3, Episode 16 if you're looking for something great to watch. - Joel here.

Well today we get to hear from Enneagram NINEs, and see if they agree, disagree, and why or why not. From career changes to getting a new cell phone, you share with the other listeners your thoughts and feelings in this episode of Others on the Journey.

You'll hear in the introduction that you can use the code GODMOTHERFREE at keystonesteelco.com for a free enneagram number ornament with any purchase!

After hearing 9s talk, if you want to hear Suzanne's teaching about enneagram 9s from her Know Your Number workshop visit lifeinthetrinityministry.com/store use the code CHANGE for a free download of her Know Your Number: Enneagram 9s mp3 (to be clear, not the Know Your Number mp3) between now and Christmas Day. You'll also find her latest recording of Relationships and the Enneagram when you're there!

Thank you for listening and for your support of the podcast!

Joel Stabile